Dr Ralph Mobbs
Recognised as the most experienced endoscopic spine surgeon in the country
Meet Dr Ralph Mobbs, a distinguished Spinal Neurosurgeon whose ground-breaking work in endoscopy has transformed the landscape of spinal surgery in Australia. Mobbs is widely recognised as the most experienced endoscopic spine surgeon in the country, having introduced EndoSpine over 15 years ago when the specialty was in its infancy. Outside the operating theatre, Dr Mobbs channels his passion into research and development. He founded the NSURG Research Group and Jasper MedTech, driving advancements in neurosurgical techniques and medical technology. As the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Spine Surgery, he leads the charge in disseminating knowledge and fostering innovation in the field. In his role as a Professor of Neurosurgery at UNSW, Mobbs remains deeply committed to teaching the next generation of surgeons and students. His focus on EndoSpine education ensures that his expertise and knowledge are passed on, shaping the future of spinal surgery in Australia and beyond. When asked about his greatest joy, Dr Mobbs' answer remains unwavering: "seeing happy patients after surgery getting their lives back and recovering from pain and disability."

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Your well-being is our priority, and we invite you to experience the transformative impact of advanced spinal care.